Section: Dissemination


Paul Klint:

  • De Softwarerevolutie, Valedictory lecture.

  • Nemo, Hoe ontstond de eerste computer?

  • Nemo/Klokhuis, Hoe ontstond de eerste computer?

  • BYOM: Bring Your Own Metrics (EQUA Symposium).

  • The Revenge of the Coroutines (SEN Symposium).

Tijs van der Storm:

  • Who's afraid of Object Algebras?, Joy of Coding 2014.

  • Hack your DSL with Rascal, CodeGeneration 2014.

  • The Rascal Language Workbench, NSPyre, 2014.

  • I am plain text, – resistance is futile, Sioux, 2014.

  • Rascal: functional programming for source code analysis and transformation, guest lecture at Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN).

Jurgen Vinju:

  • De allereerste computerprogrammeur Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852), Kennis van NU (radio appearance).

  • Complexe Software, Eindhovens Dagblad.

  • De eerste programmeur, VPRO Gids.

Jan van Eijck is member of the Advisory Board (`Raad van Advies') of the Artificial Intelligence Curriculum, University of Groningen (since Summer 2013). Paul Klint acts as treasurer of the EAPLS and was directory of the Master Software Engineering at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) until September 1, 2014. He is also board member of the Instituut voor Programmatuur en Algoritmiek (IPA). Tijs van der Storm is head of the internship committee at CWI, co-organizer of the CWI Scientific Meeting and secretary of the CWI works council.